Wednesday 13 February 2013

Target audience

I produced this questionnaire to examine more into what typical UK audiences are now looking for in horror films; which I can then consider when making my opening sequence to my horror movie. I choose to focus on horror as found from previous experience that these where typically peoples favourite genre of film. Purposely I constructed my questionnaire to be short and consist of simple straight forward questions consequently enabling more people to complete it therefore giving me substantial data to then interpret. Also all of my questions are multiple choose because I have noticed that people find these easier to fill in and helps me keep my data contained into this genre as well as giving me data which is simpler to manipulate and examine.
Through the use of my questionnaire I found ¾ across all ages as well genders preferred psychological thriller, to other horror sub-genres. I also discovered that the majority of boys found it scarier to see things on screen in comparison to females where 85% of them found it scarier to imagine something. 
Plus I found that the majority of people did not like horror films that where not scary, yet they loved the adrenaline rush and thrill aspect of horror movies as this was chosen by 75% of the partakers.
By the use of the questionnaire I also found that the majority of ages would like a film set in a prison, yet this maybe bias towards younger ages as only a mere 5% of the partakers where over 46. As shown age range was a downfall of my questionnaire and therefore is hard to generalise over all ages. 

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