Saturday 2 March 2013

The pitch

A black screen is presented. Then my 'Foreign body studios' logo will appear. The soundtrack then quietly begins and the voiceover of a radio broadcast plays; this is panicked and describe that an infection has spread. It then straight cuts to a medium shot of a 'dead end' road sign. From now the music will louden and create the background to the opening throughout. A cut then presents a barren land, the continuing soundtrack will then increase in volume, whereby a single man is walking across he will be in the distance and there will be little movement apart from him.  He is going to be the only person left, or so he feels, who has not been contaminated. It then quickly cuts to multiple shots showing damaged locations, and images that further indicate the loss of life and activity. We then see the camera pan round as it shows more barren land again stapling he is lonelness. Close ups of his feet will show his constant movement and travel which adds tension making the audience believe he his heading into imminent danger. Then it cuts to perspective shots where he is running frantically and panicked, from the previous link of the radio report, the image of the eye and various other shot we gather that the zombie is the danger and that is what he is running from. Despite never fully seeing him we are aware of his presents through a cut to his perspective running after him, the tinted red screen will be symbolic of his perspective. The non diegetic music has increased in pace, frequency and tempo making it frantic. This builds but the protagonist then finds himself in a predicament when he reaches a cliff wall leaving him nowhere to go and at a 'Dead end'. Silence overwhelms creating an almost out of body event, and an exaggerated heart beat will play. Then it cuts to the title 'Dead end'.
I decided this idea over my others as felt it was more effective to focus on the narrative and camera angles rather then the characters to grasp the sense of a thriller. Furthermore I feel that it is less complicated than the other storyline and therefore I feel I can complete it more effectively. I also like the idea because it is full of suspension and intensity and I feel the audience will then be grasped into wanting more. 

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